From November 30th to December 7th, 2019, at VIVA Lab, we celebrated Christmas in a more responsible way, aiming to reduce our ecological footprint by foregoing uncontrolled consumerism while relaxing with friends and family. This Christmas:
Make your own Christmas ornaments using recyclable materials!
Create gifts - nothing can be more special than something created with the person who will receive it in mind!
Wrap gifts using different techniques and avoid using tape.
Give a new life to things that have brought you joy (clothes, books, toys). Gift them, as they are presents with an extra dose of tenderness.
Offer time – it's the only irreplaceable thing you can give to someone.
Use local ingredients for cooking your Christmas dinner.
If you're buying gifts, do so at local businesses and preferably from artisans and designers in your region.
Devote your time to reinvent your Christmas, gifts, and traditions for a holiday season with more substance and less consumption.