Viva Lab's educational activities introduce tools to support innovation, autonomy and social responsibility for children, youth and adults.
Working based on a structured process, uniting Project Based Learning, Creative Learning and Maker Mindset, we promote hands-on learning within educational institutions, in teacher training and in our courses and workshops.
We know that when educating we are co-creating the future. The activities that we develop in our summer camps, although relaxed, are designed to “bear fruit”.
Based on design thinking combined with the hands-on of the maker movement, Future Makers summer camps emphasize the process more than the result.
We look for challenges that are attractive to our makers and we pass on to them the direction and development of those same challenges. During this process, it will spark from them the need to delve into some subjects, to research ideas, to learn how to use a tool and to find solutions.
9:30 to 17:00
From 6 to 14 years old
Limit of 25 applications.
September 4 to 8 - Giant Puppets
"We are responsible for two worlds: our inner planet and our outer planet, the Earth. How is our outer planet? Do we look after it as it deserves or do we over-exploit its resources and pollute it? And what about our inner planet? What is it like? Do we look after it?"
This summer, at Future Makers, we're going to roll up our sleeves and take care of our worlds!
For a week you'll be able to explore, build, create and manufacture a giant puppet that reflects what you feel and understand about your worlds. To build it, you'll be able to use techniques such as sewing, wood construction, paper pulp, among others, and use all the FabLab resources, hand tools, 3D printing, electronics, laser cutting and let your creativity run wild.
140 € week
10% discount for siblings
Includes: activities, insurance, monitors, materials.
If you want lunch, there's an extra €25 per week.
(you can bring your own lunch if you like).
Rua da Boavista 370
Face/ Insta: @vivalabporto