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Need sharpens ingenuity

Our grandparents said so!

In these times of #FICAEMCASA it seemed to us that it made perfect sense to continue making community. It is not because we are in troubled times that we are going to stand still. On the contrary, it is in the need that we discover new ways of doing it. That's why we created this page - VIVA@HOME.

Here we will leave suggestions to DO as a family, alone or with friends. We believe that the Maker movement can bring important tools to the daily life of all those who are now closed at home. Boredom is the greatest friend of creativity and what an excellent moment this is! We couldn't stay still knowing that with this movement there are countless skills that are very important for all of us now and in the times to come. Let's keep the joy of learning and the ability to be amazed by our creativity.

So, on this page we will leave links to activities, blog posts and our youtube channel.


Make, create, produce, realize. There are thousands of activities available on the Internet. Here, what really matters is: What do you like?

Answer this question (whether you are a child or an adult) and then research the subject. You're sure to find something to motivate you and get your hands on.


Tinkering is what happens when you experience something you don't know very well how it works or what to do, guided by whim, imagination and curiosity. When you practice Tinkering, there are no instructions, but there is also no Error because there are no right or wrong ways to do things. It's about finding out how things work and rearranging them. Gadgets, machines and objects that don't match at first, working in harmony.

Tinkering is, in a simplistic way, the process of combining play with investigation.


We will publish some texts, whenever possible, on various topics that seem important to us.


When we share our creations we are not only enriching others with what we have created but also ourselves with the feedback we will receive.

Share all your creations with the hashtags #VIVAatHOME #vivalabport

CRC- Home Resource Center

At a time like this there are several ways to create a resource center.
First, much of the daily "garbage" can be reused and organized for later use. Secondly, it is an excellent opportunity to make some arrangements and use these materials to create new things. So, let's roll up our sleeves to organize your CRC. Be creative, have fun in the process and don't forget to share your creations with #VivaCRC to inspire others.

All I can do with toilet paper rolls


Toilet paper and kitchen paper rolls are available in any home. There are project ideas for kids and adults which allow everyone to work together on their individual projects.

Toilet Paper Roll Crafts

TP Roll Crafts

79 Easy Toilet Paper Roll Crafts the Kids will Love to Make!

Toilet Paper Roll Crafts



All of us, younger and older, have already built a cabin at some point! The materials used to make it can be the most varied: towels, chairs, tables, blankets, clothes springs, broomsticks, etc.
But let's not stop there... the construction of a hut can be an excellent time to explore what a Shelter is for us? What kind of shelter is there? Can a hug be a shelter?
Once the hut is built, what do we put inside? What will it be for?
Don't forget to share your huts!

Sculptures with clothes pegs


Clothes springs are amazing to build! And even to destroy. Each spring has different parts that can be used in different ways. Be creative, be inspired and have fun.


Non-traditional Clothespin Christmas Tree DIY 


Dirty Laundry

Página de Pinterest

Sound objects


When we start a Tinkering project there are no impossibilities, only goals, and that is the magic of Tinkering! In this challenge the idea is to gather unlikely materials and create sounds. Discover the sound of the objects that are around the house and, why not, put those sounds together to make a family concert. It's never too much to appeal to your creativity and share so that together we can learn with joy.
Don't think this is something innovative!!! Look at some of our inspirations.

Musica com objetos cotidianos

Musica com objetos da casa

Una orquesta en la cocina     

fazendo musica com 

Sound of Noise - Music for One Apartment and Six Drummers (long version)

Sound object

Escatumbararibe - Lenga la Lenga

Objects and animal sounds     

Escravos de Jó (we love this game)           

Educational updates

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